541 research outputs found

    Learning Negotiating Behavior Between Cars in Intersections using Deep Q-Learning

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    This paper concerns automated vehicles negotiating with other vehicles, typically human driven, in crossings with the goal to find a decision algorithm by learning typical behaviors of other vehicles. The vehicle observes distance and speed of vehicles on the intersecting road and use a policy that adapts its speed along its pre-defined trajectory to pass the crossing efficiently. Deep Q-learning is used on simulated traffic with different predefined driver behaviors and intentions. The results show a policy that is able to cross the intersection avoiding collision with other vehicles 98% of the time, while at the same time not being too passive. Moreover, inferring information over time is important to distinguish between different intentions and is shown by comparing the collision rate between a Deep Recurrent Q-Network at 0.85% and a Deep Q-learning at 1.75%.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 201

    A data driven approach of optimizing the handling of limousine drivers in Dubai.

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    Public Arenas of the Humanities : The Circulation of Knowledge in the Postwar Period

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    The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how a new history of thepostwar humanities could be written. Drawing on approaches from thehistory of knowledge, it outlines the conditions of the circulation ofknowledge in the public sphere during the 1960s and 1970s. By introducing“public arena of knowledge” as an analytical concept, the authors highlightcertain media platforms where circulation of knowledge occurred. As theirempirical examples, they focus on paperback series and the Christianpublic sphere. All in all, the chapter underlines the importance of thehumanities for a wider circulation of knowledge and thereby challengesa crisis narrative of the humanities of the postwar period that is prevalentin established historiography

    “The Pure Teachings of Jesus”: On the Christian Language of Wilhelm Weitling’s Communism

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    Relacja komunizmu i religii stanowi obszerne i budzące spory zagadnienie. W artykule odnoszę się do tej kwestii, przywoƂując specyficznego myƛliciela, mianowicie: Wilhelma Weitlinga (1808-1871). Badacze jego idei interpretowali religię w rĂłĆŒny sposĂłb, traktując ją jako to, co stanowiƂo sam fundament jego poglądĂłw, lub, dla odmiany, jako nieznaczący dodatek do jego ƛwieckich teorii. W niniejszym studium argumentuję, ĆŒe prace Weitlinga powinny być rozumiane jako wyraĆŒające chrzeƛcijaƄski język polityczny w sensie, jaki nadaƂ temu terminowi historyk J.G.A. Pocock. Wychodząc z tego zaƂoĆŒenia, artykuƂ zmierza ku ujawnieniu sposobĂłw wyrazu chrzeƛcijaƄskiego języka Weitlinga i do wskazania, w jaki sposĂłb manifestowaƂ się on w jego trzech najwaĆŒniejszych pracach.The relation between communism and religion is a complex and contested question. In this article I will engage with this question concerning one specific thinker, namely Wilhelm Weitling (1808-1871). Weitling researchers have interpreted religion differently and have seen it as everything from the foundation of all his thought, to a negligible addition to a basically secular theory. In this article I argue that Weitling’s work needs to be understood as expressing a Christian political language, in the sense suggested by the intellectual historian J. G. A. Pocock. Departing from this, this article seeks to unpack the Christian political language of Wilhelm Weitling and to sort out how it is expressed in his three main works

    Svensk e-förvaltning - Om myndigheten för digital förvaltning och dess roll e-förvaltningens förvÀntande utveckling

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    I ett allt med digitaliserat samhÀlle förvÀntas regering och offentliga aktörer att delta i den digitala utvecklingen och med hjÀlp av dess möjligheter erbjuda medborgarna vissa tjÀnster och öka förvaltningens effektivitet, s.k e-förvaltning. Sverige var lÀnge ett av de ledande lÀnderna inom e-förvaltning, men har de senaste Ären tappat positioner i jÀmförelser med andra lÀnder. Detta kan till stor del bero pÄ att det har saknats tydlig centraliserad styrning av e-förvaltningen, ansvar för denna har istÀllet delegerats till de enskilda offentliga aktörerna. För att vÀnda denna trend har regeringen lagt fram ett förslag om att bilda en ny myndighet med övergripande ansvar för utveckling och skötsel av e-förvaltningen. Denna myndighet kommer inrÀttas hösten 2018 och tituleras Myndigheten för digital förvaltning. Denna uppsats Àmnar granska arbetet med denna myndighet utifrÄn en modell kring e-förvaltningens tÀnkta utveckling

    Humanister i offentligheten : Kunskapens aktörer och arenor under efterkrigstiden

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    Det finns en tydlig berĂ€ttelse om hur humaniora marginaliserades i efterkrigstidens Sverige: i ingenjörernas, teknokraternas och samhĂ€llsvetarnas land fanns det inget utrymme för bildning, filosofi och historia. Denna bok utmanar en sĂ„dan förestĂ€llning och visar hur pĂ„tagligt nĂ€rvarande humaniora var i tidens offentlighet. Genom att anlĂ€gga ett kunskapshistoriskt perspektiv Ă„skĂ„dliggör författarna hur humanister befann sig mitt i vĂ€lfĂ€rdssamhĂ€llets kultur och politik, medier och bokmarknad, idĂ©debatt och utbildningsvĂ€sende. I centrum för boken stĂ„r 1960- och 1970-talens offentlighet. I en första del diskuteras den avgörande roll som humanister spelade i den unga televisionens folkbildningsprogram liksom i tidens populĂ€rvetenskapliga pocketutgivning och pĂ„ dagstidningarnas essĂ€sidor. I en andra del riktas uppmĂ€rksamheten mot humanioras plats i den kristna kultursfĂ€ren, arbetarrörelsens folkbildningsarbete och den nya vĂ€nsterns bokcafĂ©er. Vi fĂ„r möta kulturpersonligheter som Per I. Gedin, Gunnel Vallquist och Jan-Öjvind Swahn, men Ă€ven tv-producenter, studiecirkelarrangörer, översĂ€ttare av radikal facklitteratur och mĂ„nga andra. Alla bidrog de till att sĂ€tta humanistisk kunskap i rörelse under efterkrigsdecennierna. Mot en internationell bakgrund framtrĂ€der bilden av ett humanistiskt kunskapssystem med djupa förankringar och vida förgreningar i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Det Ă€r om dessa kunskapens aktörer och arenor som denna bok handlar

    Brandteknisk riskvÀrdering av Torpa Stenhus

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    A risk evaluation with regards to fire safety has been performed at Torpa Stenhus. The focus of the evaluation was the safety of the people inside the building in case of a fire. As part of the education for future fire protection engineers at LTH a risk evaluation report is performed in the course Brandteknisk riskvĂ€rdering (VBR054). Torpa Stenhus was built during the 15th century and is located in the vicinity of BorĂ„s by the lake Åsunden. Torpa Stenhus is one of the best preserved castles in Sweden. The building is open for the general public but it is also used for other events such as weddings, parties and conferences. The two main halls have a capacity of 100 and 110 persons each. Torpa Stenhus has only got one door leading outside. The five floors of Torpa Stenhus are linked by a common stairwell. The existing systems with regards to fire safety consist of optical smoke detectors and handheld fire-extinguishers spread across the five floors. The project was initiated by an onsite visit where the students, accompanied by mentors from both the Södra Älvsborgs fire department and LTH, met the owner and operator Pehr Zethelius. During the onsite visit focus was directed towards identifying all plausible fire scenarios and noting the physical measurements of the building. Objectives for an adequate level of protection and the highest acceptable levels of exposure in case of a fire were defined in light of the report’s focus. The objectives were that none of the persons evacuating the building should be exposed to these highest acceptable levels. A coarse analysis of all plausible scenarios gave the most hazardous fire scenarios. This analysis was made by comparing statistics from similar buildings and via subjective assessments where the probability and consequence was transformed into a risk. Using an event tree, different scenarios based on what sort of evacuation that took place were obtained. Using computer programs, namely FDS, Simulex and DETACT T2 different evacuation and fire scenarios were simulated. The different simulations combined with reasoning supported by experimental data led to that both the total evacuation time and the time until the highest acceptable exposure levels was exceeded, were obtained. By comparing these two times in an event tree for every scenario the conclusion was made that at present day Torpa Stenhus does not fulfill the objectives for and adequate level of protection in case of a fire. To reach an adequate level of protection in case of a fire the following measures should be adopted: - Accommodate safe evacuation through the stairwell - Install sealed doors - Install automatic door closers to the chapel - Improve the possibilities of navigations in the building - Replace the existing evacuation signs to backlit evacuation signs - Install backlit evacuation signs for the new evacuation route - Measures for systematic fire prevention - Staffeducation - Inspections - Responsibility areas for the staff - Install a detector in the Staffroom - Reduce the risk of fire in the Staffroom - Reduce the amount of combustible material - Install a timer on electrical outlets - Install spoken message as an evacuation alarm - Reopena evacuation route - Install exit devices - Provide evacuation route with emergency lightning and railings To further improve the level of protection in case of a fire the following measures may be taken: - Request a response plan from the Rescue Service - Install a lightning rod - Reduce the use of candles - Flameproof furnishing and interiors - Change the detectors error message - Install automatic fire alarm - Install manual buttons to alarm rescue services - Regularly inspect the electrical equipment and cabling - Lower the maximum allowed capacity of the two main hall

    Learning Negotiating Behavior Between Cars in Intersections using Deep Q-Learning

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    This paper concerns automated vehicles negotiating with other vehicles, typically human driven, in crossings with the goal to find a decision algorithm by learning typical behaviors of other vehicles. The vehicle observes distance and speed of vehicles on the intersecting road and use a policy that adapts its speed along its pre-defined trajectory to pass the crossing efficiently. Deep Q-learning is used on simulated traffic with different predefined driver behaviors and intentions. The results show a policy that is able to cross the intersection avoiding collision with other vehicles 98% of the time, while at the same time not being too passive. Moreover, inferring information over time is important to distinguish between different intentions and is shown by comparing the collision rate between a Deep Recurrent Q-Network at 0.85% and a Deep Q-learning at 1.75%

    Development of a novel biodegradable porous iron-based implant for bone replacement

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    Bone replacement and osteosynthesis require materials which can at least temporarily bear high mechanical loads. Ideally, these materials would eventually degrade and would be replaced by bone deposited from the host organism. To date several metals, notably iron and iron-based alloys have been identified as suitable materials because they combine high strength at medium corrosion rates. However, currently, these materials do not degrade within an appropriate amount of time. Therefore, the aim of the present study is the development of an iron-based degradable sponge-like (i.e. cellular) implant for bone replacement with biomechanically tailored properties. We used a metal powder sintering approach to manufacture a cylindrical cellular implant which in addition contains phosphor as an alloying element. No corrosion inhibiting effects of phosphorus have been found, the degradation rate was not altered. Implant prototypes were tested in an animal model. Bone reaction was investigated at the bone-implant-interface and inside the cellular spaces of the implant. Newly formed bone was growing into the cellular spaces of the implant after 12 months. Signs of implant degradation were detected but after 12 months, no complete degradation could be observed. In conclusion, iron-based open-porous cellular biomaterials seem promising candidates for the development of self-degrading and high load bearing bone replacement materials
